Our Club in Poynton

Poynton & District Rotary Club was established in 1981, and our membership is currently around 40 men and women. We like to say our club opens up a world of possibilities to all its beneficiaries. Not least the members themselves, who have fun and enjoy a great sense of friendship with others in the network!

We invite speakers from a wide range of backgrounds to share their knowledge, increasing our social and cultural understanding.

Members volunteer their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improving the lives of people in their local communities and for others around the world. They have the opportunity to give something back, and to give hope to those less fortunate and to make lives worthwhile and fulfill

Poynton & District Rotary Club was established in 1981, and our membership is currently around 40 men and women. We like to say our club opens up a world of possibilities to all its beneficiaries. Not least the members themselves, who have fun and enjoy a great sense of friendship with others in the network!

We invite speakers from a wide range of backgrounds to share their knowledge, increasing our social and cultural understanding.

Members volunteer their time, talents, professional skills and energy to improving the lives of people in their local communities and for others around the world. They have the opportunity to give something back, and to give hope to those less fortunate and to make lives worthwhile and fulfilled.

Elvis at Party in the Park
Christmas Collections in Poynton
Joseph’s new chair
Deanwater Hotel, Woodford (Great food!)
Working with the Stroke Association
Easter Bunny Fundraiser
Purple for Polio
Narrowboat trip provided by our Rotary Club
We arranged a Model Railway fundraiser
Mad Cyclist

Our members are often in local business and trades, the professions, local administration and all other walks of life. However, Rotary looks for prospective members who feel they want to contribute to or be involved in their local community in some way, whilst also enjoying a range of social activities. Members can be male, female, single, married, active, retired and ages range from late 20’s upwards.

Our primary purpose is to support those who need help. We strive to improve lives. We bring about positive change in our neighbourhoods. Every event, initiative or project that we run – whether it is local, national, international or online – is rooted in the notion of community. This is because we believe that society works better when communities work together.

We are widely recognised as Community Champions who stand up for Communities, near and far.    See our Communities video by scrolling down to the end of this page.

How does Poynton Rotary raise funds?

Every Rotary Club has its own projects for fundraising. Here in Poynton we are able to raise around £15,000 – £20,000 each year to distribute to worthy causes.
Our club’s charitable works depend heavily on the income generated from ‘Party in the Park’ ticket sales, and sponsorship of this our main fundraising event, which is the culmination of 9 months of planning. See one of the  Party In The Park videos.  We also have other charity fundraising events throughout the year, such as Christmas Collections and Easter Bunny.

However, most Rotarians will tell you they don’t take themselves too seriously and though raising money for charitable purposes often requires considerable time and effort, we probably wouldn’t put the time and effort in unless it was done with a degree of fun and enjoyment! Our events team organise social activites such as a trip to the theatre, brewery tour, hike, Christmas party, BBQ, pitch & putt which are purely for fun.

Who benefits locally from our Club?

Here are just a few of many examples of beneficiaries and local initiatives currently being run.

Local beneficiaries: There have been numerous local groups and local organisations that have been helped. Just a few examples include Manchester Children’s Hospital, Christie Cancer Hospital, First Responders, Community Centre, Scout Groups, Poynton In Bloom, Senior citizens trips out, etc. etc.

Local initiatives for the hard of hearing:  We have launched a new local initiative that will benefit people who are hard of hearing – Lets Loop Poynton.

Local initiatives for those at risk of stroke or heart troubles: In associating with the Stroke Association and Clinicians, we highlight to shoppers in Poynton if they be at risk due to their blood pressure by a free Blood Pressure test.

What involvement does the Club have in International Projects?

Disaster Aid: We also help those in need in poorer third world countries, particularly following natural disasters, and we continue to support Disaster Aid UK & Ireland in humanitarian work around the world. As a club we also initiate and support projects to improve sanitation and access to clean water for remote communities in developing countries.

What about specific projects overseas?

Nomvula’s Knitters was started as local Rotary initiative in South Africa creating much needed employment for disadvantaged people. We have provided two knitting machines.
Northern Drakensberg Project in South Africa to help eliminate poverty and disease through education via creches and pre-schools.

Also, recently made a contribution towards the building of 3 new classrooms in Uganda.

What’s the biggest project globally?

Completely eradicate polio: Nigeria has been polio free of the disease since July 2014, leaving just two more contries – Afghanistan and Pakistan. The news has been achieved by Rotarians across the world donating $688.5 million to fight crippling polio and devoting countless hours to help immunise children to help them live happy and healthier lives. We support this crucial initiative along with very many other Rotary Clubs around the world.

What’s the commitment?

Currently, Poynton Rotary Club meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday each month for an informal dinner at 7.45 pm.   The one-course meal with coffee from a choice of menu costs £10. At the first of these meetings members discuss the club’s business, make decisions and plan activities. At the second there is less emphasis on the club’s business and instead members enjoy an after dinner talk given by a guest speaker. We meet at the Deanwater Hotel, Woodford SK7 1RJ. Please click here for a location map and then enter your starting post code / location to obtain routes and journey times, or see our Visit Us page for more details.

New members are assigned to one of the interest working groups which focus on community, youth, international support, large & small events, and general fund raising.